KPR is a compact Ka-band Probe Radar and radiometer for measuring vertical profiles of reflectivity and Doppler velocity. Key features of the instrument are: a pair of flat-plate array antennas pointing in the zenith and nadir directions, 10 W peak power solid state transmitter amplifier and a low-loss switch network. KPR includes an integrated noise source and ambient load for sky brightness temperature measurements and radiometric calibration of its receiver. The instrument is packaged to install in a standard (6″ ID x 24″ L) PMS probe canister. KPR is also available as a dual-polarized radar with a single antenna in either zenith, nadir, or forward looking configuration.

KPR is packaged to operate from a custom wired, but mechanically standard PMS probe canister. The first test flights were conducted on-board the Univ. of Wyoming KingAir research aircraft in January 2016.
Combined short pulse – chirped long pulse reflectivity (top), Doppler velocity (middle) and Doppler velocity spectrum width (bottom – uncorrected for aircraft motion) images collected on September 4, 2016 near Laramie Wyoming from the Univ. of Wyoming King Air research aircraft. The aircraft was flying approximately 3 km above ground and 2 km above the melting layer, while collecting data using alternating pulse pairs from the zenith and nadir pointing antennas at 30 m range resolution.
Frequency: | 35.6 GHz |
Transmitter: | 10 W solid state power amplifier |
Antennas: | 14 cm flat-plate array, 4.5 deg. beam-width |
Pulsing: | Interleaved short RF and linear FM pulses |
Range Resolution: | 30, 75, 100 or 150 m |
Delta T: | 1 K @ 200 ms integration (5 Hz data rate) |
Rec. Noise Temp.: | 440 K |
Radomes: | Matched Rexolite window |
Weight: | 25 lb (40 lb with canister) |
Power: | 50 W AC; 100 W 28 VDC |